Is it moral for a wife to be in torment?Long gone are the moments of joy,the thrill of discovery.The entropy of love—a candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long. My husband left me. Before he went away, he said I am: Wildfire – Wildflower – Wildwoman. Impossible…
Category: Reflections
Al Kīmiyāʾ
„Capul plecat sabia nu-l taie” Îmi spunea mama în momentele mele de rebeliune timpurie. O priveam cu ochi mari. „Nu te mai uita la mine ca o bufniță!”. O acompania mezinul familiei: „Buc-ni-ță!”. Atunci, spune-mi de ce să mă plec sabiei privilegiului și a maturității nepretinse? Eu nu mă voi…
Homo Humilus
Sunt un om curajos și am un simț acut al dreptății. Uneori mă gândesc să devin un vigilante, mai ales în nopțile târzii, când luna plină bate la fereastră și nu adorm. Mi-aș spune „Mardi”, discipol al lui Marte. Captiv într-o nesfârșită zi de marți, într-o luptă eternă cu somnul….
Nopțile Francofoniei
Acum câteva nopți am avut un vis ciudat. Se făcea că eram la o așa-numită “soirée”, într-un viitor incert. Știam despre soirées de la prietena mea Mădălina. Acum câțiva ani am vizitat-o la Toulouse, iar într-o seară, în timp ce ne plimbam pe malul Garonnei în apropiere de Pont Neuf,…
En Garde!
There is a majestic railway bridge over the Danube, dating back to 1895, with two enormous soldier statues, seemingly guarding that arm of the river for centuries. Close to it, is a car bridge that one must cross to get to the next city. This bridge is modern, but perhaps…
Me and my brother
Sometimes I wonder how, despite its far place on the spectrum of imagination, Greek Mythology encompasses so many timeless truths and mundane affairs. One of the Olympian deities, Ares was the God of War and courage. Known for his quick temper, aggressiveness and bloodlust, he wasn’t very popular among the…
Sometimes I find myself in an endless stream of thoughts – coming and going, no beginning nor end. Usually, by the end of the day, the flux fades, consumed by my eagerness to analyse every detail. I get so bored… I am so quick at thinking things through, that sometimes…
“To be like the rock that the waves keep crashing over. It stands unmoved and the raging of the sea falls still around it.” Marcus Aurelius, Meditations I often think about how a human body can contain a noisy mind. How can the flesh and bones not get electrocuted by the…
I am Mardie
I am courageous, and I have a heightened sense of justice. Sometimes I think about being a vigilante, especially when I cannot fall asleep, deep in the night, when the full moon shines through my window. I love pink, and I am exuberant and explosive. Especially when I am required…